Sony A1 A1 EVF Artifacts/Glitched Pixels


Jul 2, 2024
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Hello all,

I have an A1 that I've owned for about a year and a half that recently began exhibiting an unusual behavior when viewing images or menu screens through the viewfinder. All images viewed through the EVF will have some unusual artifacts and menu screens will have some white pixels lit where they shouldn't be. To further complicate things, this behavior is only present when the Viewfinder Magnification is set to Standard, or when the Finder Frame Rate is set to Higher. This does not affect image output and does not appear when viewed via the Rear Monitor.

I've contacted Sony regarding the matter and after trying several resets, they could only advise that I send the unit in for repair. I had an opportunity to speak with a repair technician and they stated that it could be a product of a failing EVF or worse yet, a Main Board. I'm including some images of the behavior below since it's easier to see then it is to explain.

Anyone experience this, or have some ideas? The camera is running the latest firmware (2.02).


Thanks in advance for any ideas. I'll update this thread with the outcome of any repairs.

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Hello all,

I have an A1 that I've owned for about a year and a half that recently began exhibiting an unusual behavior when viewing images or menu screens through the viewfinder. All images viewed through the EVF will have some unusual artifacts and menu screens will have some white pixels lit where they shouldn't be. To further complicate things, this behavior is only present when the Viewfinder Magnification is set to Standard, or when the Finder Frame Rate is set to Higher. This does not affect image output and does not appear when viewed via the Rear Monitor.

I've contacted Sony regarding the matter and after trying several resets, they could only advise that I send the unit in for repair. I had an opportunity to speak with a repair technician and they stated that it could be a product of a failing EVF or worse yet, a Main Board. I'm including some images of the behavior below since it's easier to see then it is to explain.

Anyone experience this, or have some ideas? The camera is running the latest firmware (2.02).

View attachment 63695View attachment 63696View attachment 63697

Thanks in advance for any ideas. I'll update this thread with the outcome of any repairs.

Wow, no idea what that could be and I’m not an A1 user, but I’m interested to know what is causing the problem. Hopefully nothing serious and a one-off. I’m playing with the idea of getting one, but was holding out for the A1 II, but may cave in and get one.
It does sound like a failing of either the EVF panel or the part that generates the graphics that go to the panel.

Are the glitches always in the same place (which would suggest the panel), or randomly (which would suggest the graphics component, and possibly a main board replacement)?

It does sound like a hardware failure, sorry to say.

I hope they repair it under warranty.
It does sound like a failing of either the EVF panel or the part that generates the graphics that go to the panel.

Are the glitches always in the same place (which would suggest the panel), or randomly (which would suggest the graphics component, and possibly a main board replacement)?

It does sound like a hardware failure, sorry to say.

I hope they repair it under warranty.
Unfortunately, the glitches are not always in the same place and the camera is out of warranty, so any repairs will be out of pocket. My hope at this point is that it's just the EVF as that is the least costly of the two.

I'll report back with the outcome. Thanks for chiming in.

Have you tried do a full camera reset? It shouldn't work, but it's worth a try. You can fix a surprising amount of things sometimes.