Sony A1 Exposures per battery charge


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Aug 7, 2020
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Etienne Steenkamp
South Africa
I had an interesting experience this weekend, where I accompanied my wife to an out of town dog jumping and agility competition, taking my camera along just to take a few shots of our own dogs, but then arriving there and being told by the organisers that they had forgotten to arrange and official event photographer and asked whether I could help out. I told them that I had only two batteries for the weekend and had not bothered packing a charger since I didn't expect to take too many photos, but I would do what I could until my batteries run out.

To my great surprise, I got nearly 2300 exposures per battery for a total of almost 4600 shots over two days (they will just have to make another plan for the third day). This is far more than I expected and I believe significantly more than advertised by Sony.

I was wondering what the experience of others on this forum is?
I find that the batteries tend to last somewhere in the 4 hours a charge range basically regardless of the number of images that I take unless I am doing a lot of tracking shots. I know I had a day waiting on eagles to do something in which I got about 200 images on a charge over 4 hours and another day in which I got around 5700 over 2.5 hours (there was still like 10% charge left but no light left) shooting swallows. I have been on plenty of outings in which I am out for around 4 hours and take in the 2000 range of shots with the battery being nearly dead.