Sony A6500 Touch Shutter?

Sony A6500 Resources: Firmware | User Guide


Jan 21, 2024
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Does the a6500 have a touch shutter function? If not, which aps-c cameras do? Thanks.
I have an A6600, and the A6500 may be different, but the A6600 does have a touch screen shutter release option. It isn't something I use, I found that it got in the way of my normal shooting style.
I have an A6600, and the A6500 may be different, but the A6600 does have a touch screen shutter release option. It isn't something I use, I found that it got in the way of my normal shooting style.
Is there a menu setting?
Is there a menu setting?
Yes, on the A6600 it comes under the second of 7 screens in the setup part of the menu (Looks like a small suitcase) . The lowest item on this menu screen is "Touch Operation" selecting this then gives you the options of : 1. Touch Shutter, 2. Touch Focus, or 3. Touch Tracking
a6500 doesn't have any touch-screen functions.

<Some Time Later>

Sorry about this, please ignore the post. I'm talking rubbish.

The a65000 does have touch functionality. I don't know how I forgot! As far as I can recall now, though, it does not have touch screen shutter release. It has touch for setting and moving focus points. It's almost a year since I used mine daily, and for my brain cells, a year is a long time.
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a6500 doesn't have any touch-screen functions.

<Some Time Later>

Sorry about this, please ignore the post. I'm talking rubbish.

The a65000 does have touch functionality. I don't know how I forgot! As far as I can recall now, though, it does not have touch screen shutter release. It has touch for setting and moving focus points. It's almost a year since I used mine daily, and for my brain cells, a year is a long time.
Yes, it does have limited touch functionality. Strange, you can touch to focus but not shoot while the cheaper 5100 has both!

Sony A6500 Resources: Firmware | User Guide
