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What Photography Related Item Have You Bought or Sold This Week?


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Jan 29, 2023
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David Lewis
United States
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So can't find the old thread about recent new gear purchases so here is a new one.

For me I have been messing around with macro more and more and decided that after getting my tax return I was going to pickup some kind of flash kit. After some reviews I have landed on the Godox MF-12 2 light ring kit (their website is slow). Starting with the two flash set and will see how it goes, also I think this gives me more options than a ring flash would.
Interesting, I also can't find that previous thread. It must have been started by a member no longer with us.

My most recent purchases were the Viltrox 35mm f1.7 (loving it), a hot-shoe-mounted thumb grip thing from JJC (did not like) and a little clip from Ulanzi that looks a bit like a Peak Design Capture clip but is designed to be attached to your camera strap. The first and second of those items I created threads on already, and the third I'm still trying out so I can report back to the forum.
Yes it was one of the few threads that were lost unfortunately when a member was removed. I had meant to start another but I’ve been so busy this year it slipped my mind. So thanks for starting it again David!

No recent purchase for me as I’ve not had much time for shooting this year. I’m sure something will catch my eye soon though and hopefully with spring on the way I’ll be more motivated to find some time to shoot.
I bought a Neewer Variable Neutral Density Clip On Filter for my iPhone on Amazon for A$20 but that’s to use for video.
Last week...

I bought a PGY-TECH 7l bag. The purchase was inspired by a conversation on DPReview. I could get it a reasonable price from Amazon.where.I.am and hit buy.

I needed a tardis bag. Small and neat for travel/carry, but still able to take camera+one-or-two. Including two zooms and a small prime, I managed APS-C-Camera-plus-Three.

A month or two ago...

I bought a second-hand Sony FE 35/1.8. Got it from a local used/grey/etc shop and traded in a Samyang 35/1.8 (Tiny) which I was not happy with. I should probably have got more for the Samyang, but I'm lazy about advertising and selling.

Later this year...

I need a couple more lenses. And this time I mean "need!" My vision has changed quite a lot over just a few months, having been stable for a year or three, and the cause is diagnosed as cataract. So I need a couple of new lenses that I am actually going to use all day, every day :D

It would be sooner, but coincidentally, my wife needs it too, but she also has some retina problem, which is more urgent so she goes first.
I will. I might be asking you for tips/advice down the line though.
I picked up a "K&F Concept RGB Video Light" because either the battery for my light panel or the battery charger has died and it is cheaper to get a new panel than a new battery or charger.

New in Marketplace
