What's going on in this forum!

This is one reason I made this post, and is exactly what I'm getting at. If no one comments, likes or gives any feedback, then what's the point. There's a definite jealousy vibe with some people, no question, and there are others who try to be disruptive and actually quite disrespectful, but thankfully they don't post much.
I get that if you've not been out you have nothing to post maybe, but I had months of not going out and still stayed active.
I know not everyone has the time I sometimes do, but it only takes a couple of minutes to like something.
Also, I noticed there isn't as much interaction or feedback here as there used to be. So to be honest, even when I take pictures sometimes I feel like the there is not much point on posting them if they won't generate much interest.
Perhaps one should look at people's expectations when joining a forum like this. Why did you join?
  • To learn more about photography?
  • To pick up some useful tips and tricks?
  • To stay informed about Sony and related developments?
  • To interact with like minded people?
  • To showcase your own photos?
  • Other?
Are your expectations being met and if not, what are you doing to change the situation?

Unfortunately it also seems to me that a few members who used to be very active, have left the forum, some because they no longer use Sony gear, but some also because there seemed to be personal clashes with other members and I am not too sure what happened behind the scenes in those cases.

As far as the competitions go, I will keep entering even if there is no financial incentive, simply because it is something I enjoy doing.