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News Tamron 28-300mm F/4-7.1 Di III VC VXD Full-Frame Lens Announced

Tim Mayo

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Mar 1, 2020
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Tamron has announced yet another full-frame Sony E-mount zoom lens and this time it’s the 28-300mm F/4-7.1 Di III VC VXD lens.

The lens will be available for Sony E-mount and will retail for $899.00 US or £879 in the UK.

You can already pre-order the lens but it won’t start shipping until the end of August 2024.

Further details can be found in the blog post:

7.1 at the long end. Not particularly fast or interesting tbh, given the 50 400 is 6.3, as was the older 28 300.
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It's interesting that it has VC, is sealed, and is smaller / lighter than the new 50-300.
Reminds me of the APSC Tamron 18-300mm, but dimmer at the long end.
I think the 50-300 is still on my radar.
Why would you prefer the 50-300 over the 28-300 if picture quality is more or less the same (very good on the 50-300).
F 7.1 overs 6.3 is not a good argument for me, if's only 1/3 of a stop.
rmk : I own the 50-300, but 28mm over 50mm is a game changer... if picture quality are close (I use the Tamron 50-300 on the A7CR)
Why would you prefer the 50-300 over the 28-300 if picture quality is more or less the same (very good on the 50-300).
F 7.1 overs 6.3 is not a good argument for me, if's only 1/3 of a stop.
rmk : I own the 50-300, but 28mm over 50mm is a game changer... if picture quality are close (I use the Tamron 50-300 on the A7CR)
Well, for me if I'm interested in the wider range, I have a Tamron 17-70mm f2.8 that lives on my camera 90% of the time. So I bought the 70-300 to complement that lens. I was happy with the pictures I took in the 150-300 range, but was disappointed at the minimum focusing distance (at 300mm) when taking pictures of small animals and dragonflies in my back yard. Both the 28-300 and the 50-300 have superior performance in that regard, theoretically allowing me to get .5M closer to my subjects. Both the 28-300 and 50-300 have VC, which my current 70-300 lacks. The 50-300 is $100 USD cheaper and therefore takes the win over the 28-300 by a narrow margin.

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