What's going on in this forum!

Uncle Kevriano

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Aug 18, 2020
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Uncle Kev 😆
United Kingdom
Ormesby St Margaret
CC Welcome
  1. Yes
Ages ago I asked the same question, but it's worth a repeat, and it's a simple question.
Over the last few months activity here has almost died off completely, despite having lots of members. There is a complete jack of interaction with or interest in most of what is being posted. No compliments on photos, no photos being posted by most members, save for the competition which gets more traction because... Ooo I might win $25! People who just post there are really not what the forum is about (and are weirdos 😁)
Yes, people come here to ask questions, and get the answers, but then vanish, fair enough, but why not spend a bit of time interacting. Forums are great places to get to know people, and learn how others shoot. Knowledge is power, you might pick up some good tips. I know fur sure that some have, as there is a marked improvement in their images.
So come on, get a bit more involved, even if you are one of the weirdos.
For me, I haven't picked up a camera in a month. Partly due to weather, but mainly trying to recover from a partially flooded house.(Pro tip: Regularly check all hoses supplying dishwashers, washing machines, and mixer taps)
I’ve been driving for two days. 656km yesterday & 686km today. From Adelaide towards Sydney. I’m staying at a beach side town called Ulladulla tonight & tomorrow night. Only about 250km to where I’m staying in Sydney but I’ll be travelling the scenic route. I stopped a few times to take pics of some silo art just with my RX100. I plan to take a lot of photos in & around Sydney but whether I’ll be able to post many on here I’m not sure yet.

I believe I’m pretty active on here. I don’t have time to comment or reply to every topic.

To be honest, I’ve spent a lot of time in the last week or two editing video from my A7RV but there’s not really any interest here for video.
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Fair enough if you are injured or not been out, I get that completely, I was in a similar position, but that doesn't stop interaction in terms of commenting or assisting others, does it? Not having a go, btw, just curious. The forum will die without interaction.
I guess I am by nature the type of person who keeps my mouth shut if I don't feel I have something worthwhile to contribute, so sometimes will just browse the forum and like a few posts that draw my attention without commenting. This is pretty much my behaviour on other forums to which I belong as well.

My work situation is also such that I sometimes have abundant time to spend on photography and at other times do not even pick my camera up for 2-3 months.

When traveling for photography, I also write a blog to keep family and friends updated, which takes a lot of my time. This would be easy enough to copy and paste to forum posts, together with a few photos from my trip, but I am not sure that there would be any interest in that kind of post.
I know I haven't been as active a participant in here as I could be..... I tend to jump in, look at some posts, occasionally post an image and then move on to one of the other forums to which I also belong (not all are photography-oriented). Overall, I spend more time online than I probably should!

As for the photo competitions, maybe they should be halted for a while, or else simply not have any financial incentive. Most other photography sites that I have seen may have weekly or monthly competitions for their members but there are no prizes, financial or otherwise, simply the honor of having one's image place first, second or third in a given contest. I, too, have noticed the preponderance of "new members" who pop in to submit an entry to the competition and then we never see them again. I agree, Kev, this is NOT the purpose of those competitions!
I thought you all might be tired of the "forum cheerleader" so I backed off a bit LOL

Currently in Sedona, Arizona and getting some great (in my mind) landscape photos to share with the forum.
I thought you all might be tired of the "forum cheerleader" so I backed off a bit LOL
I did think that it seemed that you haven't been around lately. I've never been to Sedona, but could imagine that you could get some great photos there.

I too worry about posting too much, but I really do like it here and am inspired by how good everyone's photos are. I am also one who will search for an answer to my questions. Only if I can't find if from a search, I'll go ahead and ask.

For the competitions, I wouldn't feel right entering and accepting a cash prize if I won given that I am a new guy and am not currently a Site Supporter.
This may look familiar because I posted it in another thread three weeks ago, and I'll use it as a preamble.
I joined this community about six months into my journey into photography (January 2023). I enjoy the excellent images and conversations. I have learned a great deal, and I'm grateful to everyone who helped me along the way. For a while, I would post something here every day. Lately, not so much, although I stop in to look and read at least daily.
I write a lot online—often thousands of words per week. By the time I get here, I'm pretty much talked out.

Ages ago I asked the same question, but it's worth a repeat, and it's a simple question.
Over the last few months activity here has almost died off completely, despite having lots of members. There is a complete jack of interaction with or interest in most of what is being posted.
Back in my early days here, when I introduced topics for discussion, it was evident that others weren't as interested in talking about those things as I was. Eventually, I learned to be more judicious before trying to start discussions.

Looking back at my almost daily posts, many were photos of me trying new things and pushing the limits of my skills. That gets old for others pretty quickly.

Sometimes, I just talked about the journey. Eventually, you get tired of hearing yourself talk. At least I do.

No compliments on photos,
My bookmark to this site goes straight to "What's New." There are often compliments on photos. But unless they have constructive criticism, as a third party, those comments aren't very interesting. So, I rarely reply with text to avoid bogging down discussions. Instead, I react with likes and trophies.

no photos being posted by most members,
These days, I'm more inclined to occasionally post images that I find interesting or even satisfying, with less regard for the technical aspects. I think I'm down to one, maybe two a week, since I'm no longer documenting my journey.

save for the competition which gets more traction because... Ooo I might win $25! People who just post there are really not what the forum is about (and are weirdos 😁)
I don't enter the competitions anymore. I look at the entries, and it's clear that I don't have anything new or exciting to offer. That's okay. It's fun to look, and when I see things I like (I often do), I'll let the photographer know. I don't care if a one-hit-wonder wins.

@Tim Mayo How about making the prize a one-year membership as a Site Supporter? If the winner is already a Site Supporter, only then would they win the cash equivalent.

@Clix Pix, what do you think of this idea (above)

Yes, people come here to ask questions, and get the answers, but then vanish, fair enough, but why not spend a bit of time interacting. Forums are great places to get to know people, and learn how others shoot. Knowledge is power, you might pick up some good tips. I know fur sure that some have, as there is a marked improvement in their images.

So come on, get a bit more involved, even if you are one of the weirdos.
The EXIF data is always interesting, and seeing how people choose to compose their photos is often challenging. But I don't yet feel qualified to question or criticize what I see here.

I see very little constructive criticism here; perhaps that is not part of our culture. There'd be much more discussion, growth, and camaraderie if it were.

I belong to several communities of practice. In recent years, they have all become more transactional (questions, answers, and then people disappear) or "Look at me!" The sense of community has all but evaporated.

Now that it's okay(er) to be out among people, I'm getting more of my social needs met face to face.
I see very little constructive criticism here; perhaps that is not part of our culture. There'd be much more discussion, growth, and camaraderie if it were.
I guess if people want constructive criticism they will ask for it. There may be a topic on here for that as well. I think one reason there is not much criticism is that the photos are generally of such high quality.
Interesting that people think they could post too much. The forum needs the posts!
@TomF162 Enter away, it's not just for those supporters, and honestly, most don't post. They are supporters because when Tim set the forum up the first 100 (maybe 200) were given that status. Winning it would be a nice feather in the cap IMO. I wona few, I don't enter that often now because some of the themes don't suit me or I don't have time to specifically shoot for the comp.
@ST. You are one of the most improved photographers here, and that's because you have taken note of advice and learned a lot for yourself. I think posting daily is fine, again, it's what's needed to generate interest. The criticism thing is tough, but as Rich says, most images here are high quality and also people don't like commenting if they think it will be taken the wrong way. We nearly all have CC welcome ticked, but it doesn't get any traction for that reason.
I know I haven't been as active a participant in here as I could be..... I tend to jump in, look at some posts, occasionally post an image and then move on to one of the other forums to which I also belong (not all are photography-oriented). Overall, I spend more time online than I probably should!
Last few weeks has been crazy busy for me at work, and I’m currently travelling on business (Rome/Vatican) and pleasure in Malta. I’ve taken hundreds of photographs so once I’m back, work permitting I’ll be posting again.

I greatly appreciate CC and often seek advice. I think it’s great that members of the Forum take the time to comment and share their knowledge and expertise. As far as the competitions are concerned, I don’t go out of my way, but if I have a suitable picture I’ll enter it. I missed this months competition even though I have a suitable image, but that was simply down to not having time to enter.
I know I haven't been as active a participant in here as I could be..... I tend to jump in, look at some posts, occasionally post an image and then move on to one of the other forums to which I also belong (not all are photography-oriented). Overall, I spend more time online than I probably should!
Is there some reason why what I wrote in a post in this thread is used here without any indication of the original source and indicating that it is a quote? Did the OP not know how to use the quote feature? Did he or she wish to comment on what I had written?
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- ST- wrote:

[I didn't want to quote the entire post here]

@Tim Mayo How about making the prize a one-year membership as a Site Supporter? If the winner is already a Site Supporter, only then would they win the cash equivalent.

@Clix Pix, what do you think of this idea (above)

I like this idea a lot -- solves the problem quite nicely and allows the competitions to continue! Brilliant! :)
Being just a beginner at this hobby I don't think my photos are that good I delete more then I keep but when I do take a goody I like to post it on here maybe other people have the same problem .. As I write this I see there are two members and 332 guests on line how does that work .. Also I do like asking questions as the knowledge on here is second to none .. PS I start a digital camera course for beginners this coming Tuesday .. Thank you Gary
I thought you all might be tired of the "forum cheerleader" so I backed off a bit LOL

Currently in Sedona, Arizona and getting some great (in my mind) landscape photos to share with the forum.
Been to Sedona what a lovely place I will have to try and find my memory stick with some photos of Sedona on it ...Gary